
How God Sees You

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Hey parents – this one is for you! Not for you as a parent... but for you as an individual!  

Ever feel discouraged daily?

  • Maybe you can’t seem to win with one of your teenagers?  
  • Maybe work is stressful and straining?  
  • Maybe you and your spouse cannot see eye to eye?

We want to encourage you today from the word of God! Here are some truths about the way the God sees you despite the circumstances surrounding you.  

  • You are a new creation (2 Corinthains 5:17) - no matter how the day has gone, or things are feeling He has made you new!  
  • You are a chosen race, a royal, priesthood, a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9 – you might feel like a mess because you have no time to shower, and the dishes seem never ending but that is not how God sees you!  
  • You are a child of God (Romans 8:14-17) - He is faithful to love and take care of His children. When we are tired and weary, He is there to meet every need.  
  • You are Fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14) - Yes even with your mom-bod and dad-bod you are made by Him and He loves the way he made you.  

We want you to be encouraged by the TRUE word of God today. You are more than just your responsibilities... you are a child of the living God and He loves you.