
Don't Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over

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The only way to stop making the same parenting mistakes may surprise you...  

It’s not reading a bunch of parenting books...

It’s not listening to 1,000 parenting podcasts...  

It’s REALLY not about doing better in your own strength and hoping for the best...  

Although all those things are okay (maybe even good!) they will not keep you from making mistakes. We are human and sin is a part of our lives, until Jesus returns.  


Because of Jesus, we can stop the broken parenting cycles we find hope.  

How, you ask?  

Start doing these 3 things and we believe God will start bringing hope and restoration to you parenting mistakes:  

- Pursue God’s love, tenderness, and acceptance of you

- Choose the local church to anchor your family  

- Look back for healing + look forward for family vision  

When you choose God as the center of your life, His hope begins to overflow into your family. You kids will see your hope, see others within church choosing hope, and desire it.  

Whatever your parenting journey looks like, it’s never too late to fall deeper in love with Jesus. It is the BEST thing you can do for yourself, your marriage, and your kids.