
To All the Parents of Littles

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This one goes out to all the moms and dads of little people out there. If you have not already noticed this then here is a helpful tip.  

Your little kids just want to be with you.  

They do not care if the dishes are done, if the house is a mess, if the laundry is folded. They just want to spend time with you.  

Let us tell you something else... that season does not last forever. Eventually they will like their technology more than you, or their friends more than you, or their sports more than you.  

But when they are little, you are their favorite human.  

Sometimes as parents of littles we get so caught up in meeting their practical needs that we forget to slow down and just play. Play something that they want to play or read something that they want to read.

Put away the distractions and spend time with the most important people in your life.  

Our practical parenting tip today is less of a tip and more of a challenge.  

Find time to play and connect with your little kids this week. It can be simple like building blocks or going on a walk or it could be something a bit more like taking them for ice cream or to a movie.  

Just make time to be with them.